Meet Adelaide’s 12 most influential city shapers and what they think the city will look like in 30 years

Capabilities: Strategic Planning.

Sectors: n/a

Insights: News, Thought Leadership

They are the most influential developers, builders and architects behind the city’s changing skyline and these are their predictions for the future.

Pictured: Chris Vounasis (Future Urban), David Gallant (Walker Corporation) & Zoe King (COX Architecture).

What will Adelaide look like in 30 years’ time? It is the million-dollar question.

They are developers, builders and architects who have been most responsible for shaping the city’s urban landscape over the last two decades, making high-profile and striking additions to the Adelaide skyline:

  • Jamie McClurg — Commercial & General co-founder and executive chairman
  • Chris Vounasis — Future Urban managing director
  • Adam Hannon & Zoe King — COX Architecture SA directors
  • Craig Weaver and Michael Gramazio — Synergy Construct directors
  • Chris Menz — RenewalSA chief executive
  • David Gallant — Walker Corporation chief executive and managing director
  • Daniel Palumbo — Palumbo Group managing director
  • Louis Kanellos — Chasecrown director
  • Theo Samaras — Kyren Group founder and managing director
  • Thomas Masullo — Woods Bagot director and global management leader

Chris Vounasis is managing director of Future Urban, which has handled planning approvals for several major infrastructure projects — but none as significant as Keystone Tower.

Artist Impression: Walter Brooke

Read the full article here.

Chris Vounasis

